100 studies to show why natural immunity if better than vaccine immunity Why do they refuse to follow the science? 100 studies
New VAERS numbers
As of 10/15/21, 17,128 deaths after taking the vaxx. 818,014 adverse events Including the death of a 12 year old boy. Do you still believe this is about your health? VAERS Report
Google will not allow the truth
Medical ethics is now dead. Doctors afraid to tell the truth. Medical journals taking down valid published articles for political purposes. Life-saving medicines being suppressed in an effort to promote the narrative. Medical Boards taking the licenses of doctors and nurses for speaking out. Uni...
Leaked Audio of DOJ lawyer telling people how to best deny religious exemptions
Here is the leaked audio of a telephone conversation on what is the best strategy to avoid granting religious exemptions Those damned deplorable religious convictions
Complete review of strategies to better your chance of obtaining a religious (non-medical) exemption.
The linked article below concerns non-medical (or religious) exemptions. It is a helpful compendium of tricks and traps government and companies are using so that they can deny Religious exemptions. Your Religious beliefs, or your sincerely held moral beliefs, are protected by the First Amendme...
And now, The Latest development-Brought to you by Pfizer!
Please do not expect to get objective medical information from MSM. Brought to You by Pfizer!
Affidavit of Teresa Long-Flight Surgeon
Affidavit of Teresa Long-Flight Surgeon The link below is an affidavit filed by Teresa Long, M.D. Flight Surgeon. She is board-certified in flight Aerospace Medicine and board eligible in Occupational Medicine. She is swearing under oath that CV injections are destructive to flight readiness and...
Medical/Religious exemption request form
Medical/Religious exemption request form. This medical/religious exemption form attempts to preserve legal rights if and when it is denied. Exemption request form
Governor Polis issues a new Executive order
Governor Polis issues a new Executive order that MAKES IT EASIER FOR HIM TO FIRE STATE EMPLOYEES WHO DID NOT TAKE THE CLOT SHOT. Governor Polis issues a new Executive order SUCH A KIND AND SENSITIVE GOVERNOR!
A setback for Officer Jose Manriquez
A setback for Officer Jose Manriquez I just hung up with Jose and he has authorized me to share this information. He believes sharing his story is more important than his medical privacy. I am uncertain about exact times but, of course, will get medical records and documentation as we mo...
Doctors 4 Covid Ethics
Doctors 4 Covid Ethics is group of concerned Doctors, scientists, virologists and others who have been speaking medical truth. Doctors for Covid Ethics has written three open letters to the European Medicines Agency regarding COVID-19 vaccine dangers. In those letters we have insisted upon evi...
Government grants Huge money from Federal and State grants (Esser) grants
Government grants Huge money from Federal and State grants (Esser) grants The State of Colorado and the Federal Department are issuing large grants to School districts, School boards and Superintendents of schools but it is conditional upon full mask compliance with CDC "Guidance". Thi...
Denver police lawsuit files an appeal the the Denver Board of Health and Environment
The Denver District Judge Shelly Gilman dismissed the complaint filed on behalf of a number of Denver Police Officers. That ruling is being appealed to the Denver Board of Health and Environment. They are being served a copy of the Petition as this is being written. The petition is backed up b...
The Mayor of Denver says It's not his fault! He did not mean to fire loyal and hardworking police officers!
News article about lawsuit and link to complaint
Denver Police officers file suit against The City and County of Denver over vaxx mandate
On September 24, 2021, Seven Denver police officers filed suit against the Chief of Police, the Mayor of Denver and the Denver Health Department over the insane vaxx mandate that is driving away the best people on the force. The mandate applies to all workers of the City of Denver. How in the w...
About Corona Testing-Can we Trust the results?
Two HUGE reasons to doubt the accuracy of C-Testing Gazt and S0r0s bought a testing company. Call for link
New open VAERS data
Covid Vaxx related deaths now approaching 15000- 700,000 adverse events reported- (Many think vastly understated) Open VAERS
How smart are the vaxxed?
How smart are the vaxxed is a well written article by a knowledgable and talented writer who writes for The American Thinker. How smart are the vaxxed?
How Churches and pastors can take a stand and help end this madness
It is vitally important that Churches and Priests and Pastors quit promoting the Fear and tell the truth. Get involved. Fight the tyranny. Great article. Common sense approach. What churches need to do
Resources for seeking exemption from the vaxx
This is a good compilation of information regarding seeking exemption from the vaxx mandates. Exemptions
Competency hearing set for Boulder King Soopers shooter
The Boulder King Soopers shooter is going to go through a competency Hearing He may never go to trial. Competency hearing
Clay Clark's website has lots of resources
Clay Clark's Health and Freedom Conference has a ton of useful links, forms and other great information. Time to Free America
School boards have become the front lines in the battle to reclaim Public education
School board meetings have become very contentious-about masks, CRT, Health equity; open teaching of communist doctrine and crowds are growing. Increasing pressure on arrogant and elite school boards. School Boards are on the front lines
Denver Frontline responders are fighting the "vaccine" mandate
Denver Police, firemen and first responders are fighting the forced Injections. NO jab for Me!
The Ivermectin Story
Increasing national coverage of Early drug treatments showing more effective than the vaccine. The Ivermectin story